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C&F Design Hackle Plier Online

Original price was: $312.95.Current price is: $93.88.
C&F Design Hackle PlierHackle pliers with sandblasted tips for non-slip finishing. Sandblasting is applied to prevent the gripped hackle from

C&F Design Midge Biot Pliers on Sale

Original price was: $302.40.Current price is: $90.72.
C&F Design Midge Biot PliersIt is a pliers dedicated to biot, in which the positional relationship of the pliers body

C&F Design Midge Hackle Pliers Online Sale

Original price was: $361.61.Current price is: $108.48.
C&F Design Midge Hackle PliersHackle pliers for midges with thin tips. Hackle pliers with sandblasted tips for non-slip finishing.The joint

C&F Design Rotary Hackle Pliers on Sale

Original price was: $374.26.Current price is: $112.28.
C&F Design Rotary Hackle PliersHackle pliers for parachute hackles. You can hackle while maintaining a 90° angle to the parachute

C&F Design Rotary Midge Hackle Pliers Sale

Original price was: $422.91.Current price is: $126.87.
C&F Design Rotary Midge Hackle Pliers Hackle pliers for small parachute flies.The narrow tip does not obstruct your view near

C&F Design Standard Biot Pliers Online Sale

Original price was: $266.47.Current price is: $79.94.
C&F Design Standard Biot PliersUnique pliers that can be wound without twisting the biot. Easy-to-cut biot by removing twist tension

Cottarelli Hackle Pliers Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $338.33.Current price is: $101.50.
Cottarelli Hackle PliersBeautifully manifactured hackle pliers with adjustable grip tension band. Made in Italy

Dr. Slick 2 inch Stainless Rotary Hackle Plier Online

Original price was: $87.63.Current price is: $26.29.
Dr. Slick 2 inch Stainless Rotary Hackle PlierStainless steel rotary hackle plier from Dr. Slick

Loon Ergo Hackle Plier Fashion

Original price was: $95.59.Current price is: $28.68.
Loon Ergo Hackle PlierThe indispensible hackle plier receives a makeover. The smooth jaws are sized with versatility in mind, and

Tyflyz Tools Hackle Tweezer Online now

Original price was: $119.41.Current price is: $35.82.
Tyflyz Tools Hackle TweezerTyflyz Tools Hackle Tweezer’s are some of the tightest holding tweezer/pliers we have used. Plus they come